20  Extrating information from fitted lmer models using base R


Luke Miratrix

This chapter follows Chapter Chapter 19, and provides an alternate set of ways of pulling information from a fit lmer model. In particular, this document walks through various R code to pull information out of a multilevel model (and OLS models as well, since the methods generally work on everything). For illustration, we will use a random-slope model on the HS&B dataset with some level 1 and level 2 fixed effects.

We use the following libraries in this file:

library( lme4 )
library( foreign ) ## to load data
library( arm )
library( tidyverse )

Loading the data is simple. We read student and school level data and merge:

dat = read.spss( "data/hsb1.sav", to.data.frame=TRUE )
sdat = read.spss( "data/hsb2.sav", to.data.frame=TRUE )
re-encoding from CP1252
dat = merge( dat, sdat, by="id", all.x=TRUE )
head( dat, 3 )
    id minority female    ses mathach size sector pracad disclim himinty
1 1224        0      1 -1.528   5.876  842      0   0.35   1.597       0
2 1224        0      1 -0.588  19.708  842      0   0.35   1.597       0
3 1224        0      0 -0.528  20.349  842      0   0.35   1.597       0
1  -0.428
2  -0.428
3  -0.428

20.1 Fitting and viewing the model

Now we fit the random slope model with the level-2 covariates:

M1 = lmer( mathach ~ 1 + ses + meanses + (1 + ses|id), data=dat )

If we just print the object, e.g., by typing the name of the model on the console, we get minimal information:

Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: mathach ~ 1 + ses + meanses + (1 + ses | id)
   Data: dat
REML criterion at convergence: 46561.42
Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Std.Dev. Corr 
 id       (Intercept) 1.6417        
          ses         0.6731   -0.21
 Residual             6.0659        
Number of obs: 7185, groups:  id, 160
Fixed Effects:
(Intercept)          ses      meanses  
     12.651        2.190        3.781  

20.1.1 The display() method

The arm package’s display() method gives an overview of what our fitted model is:

display( M1 )
lmer(formula = mathach ~ 1 + ses + meanses + (1 + ses | id), 
    data = dat)
            coef.est coef.se
(Intercept) 12.65     0.15  
ses          2.19     0.12  
meanses      3.78     0.38  

Error terms:
 Groups   Name        Std.Dev. Corr  
 id       (Intercept) 1.64           
          ses         0.67     -0.21 
 Residual             6.07           
number of obs: 7185, groups: id, 160
AIC = 46575.4, DIC = 46552.4
deviance = 46556.9 

20.1.2 The summary() method

We can also look at the messier default summary() command, which gives you more output. The real win is if we use the lmerTest library and fit our model with that package loaded, our summary() is more exciting and has \(p\)-values:

library( lmerTest )
M1 = lmer( mathach ~ 1 + ses + meanses + (1 + ses|id), data=dat )
summary( M1 )
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: mathach ~ 1 + ses + meanses + (1 + ses | id)
   Data: dat

REML criterion at convergence: 46561.4

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.1671 -0.7270  0.0163  0.7547  2.9646 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 id       (Intercept)  2.695   1.6417        
          ses          0.453   0.6731   -0.21
 Residual             36.796   6.0659        
Number of obs: 7185, groups:  id, 160

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error       df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  12.6513     0.1506 152.9599  84.000   <2e-16 ***
ses           2.1903     0.1218 178.2055  17.976   <2e-16 ***
meanses       3.7812     0.3826 181.7675   9.883   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
        (Intr) ses   
ses     -0.080       
meanses -0.028 -0.256

20.2 Obtaining Fixed Effects

R thinks of all models in reduced form. Thus when we get the fixed effects we get both the level-1 and level-2 fixed effects all together:

fixef( M1 )
(Intercept)         ses     meanses 
  12.651300    2.190350    3.781218 

The above is a vector of numbers. Each element is named, but we can index them as so:

fixef( M1 )[2]

We can also use the [[]] which means “give me that element not as a list but as just the element!” When in doubt, if you want one thing out of a list or vector, use [[]] instead of []:

fixef( M1 )[[2]]
[1] 2.19035

See how it gives you the number without the name here?

20.3 Obtaining Variance and Covariance estimates

We can get the Variance-Covariance matrix of the random effects with VarCorr.

VarCorr( M1 )
 Groups   Name        Std.Dev. Corr  
 id       (Intercept) 1.64174        
          ses         0.67309  -0.212
 Residual             6.06594        

It displays nicely if you just print it out, but inside it are covariance matrices for each random effect group. (In our model we only have one group, id.) These matrices also have correlation matrices for reference. Here is how to get these pieces:

vc = VarCorr( M1 )$id
            (Intercept)        ses
(Intercept)   2.6953203 -0.2339045
ses          -0.2339045  0.4530494
(Intercept)         ses 
  1.6417431   0.6730894 
            (Intercept)        ses
(Intercept)   1.0000000 -0.2116707
ses          -0.2116707  1.0000000

You might be wondering what all the attr stuff is. R can “tack on” extra information to a variable via “attributes”. Attributes are not part of the variable exactly, but they follows their variable around. The attr (for attribute) method is a way to get these extra bits of information. In the above, R is tacking the correlation matrix on to the variance-covariance matrix to save you the trouble of calculating it yourself. Get it as follows:

attr( vc, "correlation" )
            (Intercept)        ses
(Intercept)   1.0000000 -0.2116707
ses          -0.2116707  1.0000000

You can also just use the vc object as a matrix. Here we take the diagonal of it

diag( vc )
(Intercept)         ses 
  2.6953203   0.4530494 

If you want an element from a matrix use row-column indexing like so:

[1] -0.2339045

for row 1 and column 2. The sigma.hat() and sigma() methods

If you just want the variances and standard deviations of your random effects, use sigma.hat(). This also gives you the residual standard deviation as well. The output is a weird object, with a list of things that are themselves lists in it. Let’s examine it. First we look at what the whole thing is:

sigma.hat( M1 )
[1] 6.065939

(Intercept)         ses 
  1.6417431   0.6730894 

[1] NA

            (Intercept)        ses
(Intercept)   1.0000000 -0.2116707
ses          -0.2116707  1.0000000
names( sigma.hat( M1 ) )
[1] "sigma" "cors" 
sigma.hat( M1 )$sigma
[1] 6.065939

(Intercept)         ses 
  1.6417431   0.6730894 

Our standard deviations of the random effects are

sigma.hat( M1 )$sigma$id
(Intercept)         ses 
  1.6417431   0.6730894 

We can get our residual variance by this weird thing (we are getting data from the sigma inside of sigma.hat( M1 )):

sigma.hat( M1 )$sigma$data
[1] 6.065939

But here is an easier way using the sigma() utility function:

sigma( M1 )
[1] 6.065939

20.4 Obtaining Empirical Bayes Estimates of the Random Effects

Random effects come out of the ranef() method. Each random effect is its own object inside the returned object. You refer to these sets of effects by name. Here our random effect is called id.

ests = ranef( M1 )$id
head( ests )
     (Intercept)         ses
1224 -0.26204371  0.08765385
1288  0.03805199  0.11841938
1296 -1.91525901  0.03572247
1308  0.30485682 -0.10500515
1317 -1.15834807 -0.10815301
1358 -0.98212459  0.44612877

Generally, what you get back from these calls is a new data frame with a row for each group. The rows are named with the original id codes for the groups, but if you want to connect it back to your group-level information you are going to want to merge stuff. To do this, and to keep things organized, I recommend adding the id as a column to your dataframe:

names(ests) = c( "u0", "u1" )
ests$id = rownames( ests )
head( ests )
              u0          u1   id
1224 -0.26204371  0.08765385 1224
1288  0.03805199  0.11841938 1288
1296 -1.91525901  0.03572247 1296
1308  0.30485682 -0.10500515 1308
1317 -1.15834807 -0.10815301 1317
1358 -0.98212459  0.44612877 1358

We also renamed our columns of our dataframe to give them names nicer than (Intercept). You can use these names if you wish, however. You just need to quote them with back ticks (this code is not run):

head( ests$`(Intercept)` )

20.4.1 The coef() method

We can also get a slighly different (but generally easier to use) version these things through coef(). What coef() does is give you the estimated regression lines for each group in your data by combining the random effect for each group with the corresponding fixed effects. Note how in the following the meanses coefficient is the same, but the others vary due to the random slope and random intercept.

coefs = coef( M1 )$id
head( coefs )
     (Intercept)      ses  meanses
1224    12.38926 2.278004 3.781218
1288    12.68935 2.308769 3.781218
1296    10.73604 2.226072 3.781218
1308    12.95616 2.085345 3.781218
1317    11.49295 2.082197 3.781218
1358    11.66918 2.636479 3.781218

Note that if we have level 2 covariates in our model, they are not incorperated in the intercept and slope via coef(). We have to do that by hand:

names( coefs ) = c( "beta0.adj", "beta.ses", "beta.meanses" )
coefs$id = rownames( coefs )
coefs = merge( coefs, sdat, by="id" )
coefs = mutate( coefs, beta0 = beta0.adj + beta.meanses * meanses )
coefs$beta.meanses = NULL

Here we added in the impact of mean ses to the intercept (as specified by our model). Now if we look at the intercepts (the beta0 variables) they will incorperate the level 2 covariate effects. If we then plotted a line using beta0 and beta.ses for each school, we would get the estimated lines for each school including the school-level covariate impacts.

20.5 Obtaining standard errors

We can get an object with all the standard errors of the coefficients, including the individual Emperical Bayes estimates for the individual random effects. This is a lot of information. We first look at the Standard Errors for the fixed effects, and then for the random effects. Standard errors for the variance terms are not given (this is tricker to calculate).

20.5.1 Fixed effect standard errors

ses = se.coef( M1 )
names( ses )
[1] "fixef" "id"   

Our fixed effect standard errors:

[1] 0.1506106 0.1218474 0.3826085

You can also get the uncertainty estimates of your fixed effects as a variance-covariance matrix:

vcov( M1 )
3 x 3 Matrix of class "dpoMatrix"
             (Intercept)          ses      meanses
(Intercept)  0.022683560 -0.001465374 -0.001619405
ses         -0.001465374  0.014846788 -0.011954182
meanses     -0.001619405 -0.011954182  0.146389293

The standard errors are the diagonal of this matrix, square-rooted. See how they line up?:

sqrt( diag( vcov( M1 ) ) )
(Intercept)         ses     meanses 
  0.1506106   0.1218474   0.3826085 

20.5.2 Random effect standard errors

Our random effect standard errors for our EB estimates:

head( ses$id )
     (Intercept)       ses
1224   0.7845859 0.5804186
1288   0.9819216 0.6277115
1296   0.7779963 0.5766319
1308   1.0911690 0.6556607
1317   0.8045695 0.6188535
1358   0.9163545 0.6173954

Warning: these come as a matrix, not data frame. It is probably best to do this:

SEs = as.data.frame( se.coef( M1 )$id )
head( SEs )
     (Intercept)       ses
1224   0.7845859 0.5804186
1288   0.9819216 0.6277115
1296   0.7779963 0.5766319
1308   1.0911690 0.6556607
1317   0.8045695 0.6188535
1358   0.9163545 0.6173954

20.6 Generating confidence intervals

We can compute profile confidence intervals (warnings have been suppressed)

confint( M1 )
                 2.5 %     97.5 %
.sig01       1.4012799  1.8897548
.sig02      -0.8761947  0.1946551
.sig03       0.2165284  0.9849953
.sigma       5.9659922  6.1689341
(Intercept) 12.3559620 12.9462385
ses          1.9512025  2.4296954
meanses      3.0278220  4.5329237

20.7 Obtaining fitted values

Fitted values are the predicted value for each individual given the model.

yhat = fitted( M1 )
head( yhat )
        1         2         3         4         5         6 
 7.290105  9.431429  9.568109  9.249189 10.410971 10.821011 

Residuals are the difference between predicted and observed:

resids = resid( M1 )
head( resids )
         1          2          3          4          5          6 
-1.4141055 10.2765710 10.7808908 -0.4681887  7.4870293 -6.2380113 

We can also predict for hypothetical new data. Here we predict the outcome for a random student with ses of -1, 0, and 1 in a school with mean ses of 0:

ndat = data.frame( ses = c( -1, 0, 1 ), meanses=c(0,0,0), id = -1 )
predict( M1, newdata=ndat, allow.new.levels=TRUE )
       1        2        3 
10.46095 12.65130 14.84165 

The allow.new.levels=TRUE bit says to predict for a new school (our fake school id of -1 in ndat above). In this case it assumes the new school is typical, with 0s for the random effect residuals.

If we predict for a current school, the random effect estimates are incorporated:

ndat$id = 1296
predict( M1, newdata=ndat )
        1         2         3 
 8.509969 10.736041 12.962114 

20.8 Appendix: the guts of the object

When we fit our model and store it in a variable, R stores a lot of stuff. The following lists some other functions that pull out bits and pieces of that stuff.

First, to get the model matrix (otherwise called the design matrix)

mm = model.matrix( M1 )
head( mm )
  (Intercept)    ses meanses
1           1 -1.528  -0.428
2           1 -0.588  -0.428
3           1 -0.528  -0.428
4           1 -0.668  -0.428
5           1 -0.158  -0.428
6           1  0.022  -0.428

This can be useful for predicting individual group mean outcomes, for example.

We can also ask questions such as number of groups, number of individuals:

ngrps( M1 )
nobs( M1 )
[1] 7185

We can list all methods for the object (merMod is a more generic version of lmerMod and has a lot of methods we can use)

class( M1 )
[1] "lmerModLmerTest"
[1] "lmerTest"
methods(class = "lmerMod")
 [1] coerce      coerce<-    contest     contest1D   contestMD   display    
 [7] getL        mcsamp      se.coef     show        sim         standardize
see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
methods(class = "merMod")
 [1] anova          as.function    coef           confint        cooks.distance
 [6] deviance       df.residual    display        drop1          extractAIC    
[11] extractDIC     family         fitted         fixef          formula       
[16] fortify        getData        getL           getME          hatvalues     
[21] influence      isGLMM         isLMM          isNLMM         isREML        
[26] logLik         mcsamp         model.frame    model.matrix   ngrps         
[31] nobs           plot           predict        print          profile       
[36] ranef          refit          refitML        rePCA          residuals     
[41] rstudent       se.coef        show           sigma.hat      sigma         
[46] sim            simulate       standardize    summary        terms         
[51] update         VarCorr        vcov           weights       
see '?methods' for accessing help and source code